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Manuel  Araneda-Castex

Museographer, Designer, Master in Architecture and Design PUCV


Director at Australisdesign. Museum language scholar, has been a professor and/or consultant for the UDP, PUC, UNAB, NYU and SUNY. Awarded Scholarship from Poynter Institute for Media Studies (USA). His experience includes: seven Chilean pavilions in Lisbon, Hanover, Guadalajara, and Shanghai; design, museum and exhibition projects for institutions, architects and historians in NY, Berlin and Chile, for the Fulbright Commission, UK Embassy, British Council, PUC, SUNY, and for the “L ´art et creation” Gallery in France. Altazor Award for best poetry book of the year, and Latin American Award Theobaldo de Nigris for best corporate designer. He has worked for companies from Japan, South Africa and USA. Currently preparing an exhibition at FIT/SUNY; webmaster in “Echo of Voices”, a multicultural NY poetry festival; two books in St Étienne, France; and an exhibition for the historian Christine Gleisner in Berlin. Manuel was the poet Gonzalo Rojas personal assistant.

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