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Exhibitions Design

In museography, design works in concert by staging the various stories that constitute our identity and our culture. Each exhibition, each museum has its own story, a museographic script and a staging. It's about building memorable moments.


The work of design with memory is fundamental, the identity of communities is built on collective memory. About something more than the sum of memories.

Exhibitions present collections and in this way construct or re-construct memory based on the place, the objects and the graphic dimension of the story. The scenes finally bathed in lighting merge into a route where visitors read while walking. The entire experience is part of the museographic expressive language. Museography is a pregnant experience that will return to the visitor and allow him to build his memory.

WhatsApp Image 2024-04-06 at 09.31.18

"Through Hispanic eyes" FIT Gladys Marcus Libray, EoV, SUNY, NYU

Proyecto Museo Cuaternario Christine Gleisner Historisches Forschungsbüro, Berlin


Exposición St. Etienne, France

plano museografia fit library

FIT Library Project State University of New York

FIT Language Lab Mural

FIT Language Lab Mural State University of New York


Dialogue muséographique Edition ELAC, St Etienne France

Museo del Banco de Chile

Museo del Banco de Chile Valparaíso

Museo Antropológico Martin Gusinde

Museo Antropológico Martin Gusinde Puerto Williams

Plan Maestro Patrimonial Poder Judic

Plan Maestro Patrimonial Poder Judicial

Pabellón Stirling

Pabellón Stirling, Museo Antropológico Martin Gusinde Puerto Williams


Museo Regional Antofagasta

Museo Histórico y militar de Chile

Museo Histórico y Militar de Chile

Los locos años 20

Los locos años 20 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Creo, Iconos ortodoxos

Creo, Iconos ortodoxos Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Exposición del British Council Embajada de Reino Unido


Custodios del Alma de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Communication Centre British Council, Santiago

Proyecto Rediseño Museo de Tierra del Fuego Municipalidad de Porvenir

 Centro de Interpretación Tagua Tagua

Centro de Interpretación Tagua Tagua Universidad Austral de Chile

Museo de Anatomía

Museo de Anatomía Universidad de Chile

violeta en su tierra

Exposición Violeta en su Tierra

Museo de la Moda, tenis

Exposición Itinerante Museo de la Moda

Achao 07 corregida

Museo de Achao, Chiloe


Museo de Bucalemu

MONTAGE Restauración Sta Rita PUCV

Exposición Restauración Capilla Sta Rita Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Montage Federico PUC

Exposición Federico García Lorca Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Proyecto Museo Artequín Viña del Mar

"A small glass box" Dutch Embassy in Santiago, National Library

© 2030 Manuel Araneda Castex

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